Thursday, 7 May 2015

Reading Initiatives

Let's get Reading!

In the past two weeks two schools have hosted reading events.  SK Kampung Baharu held an event called Story Time and SK LKTP Jengka 25 held a reading camp.  It is wonderful to see these schools  encouraging reading among the students and hosting reading initiatives days.

Reading is the most important aspect of any language.  It helps students become familiar with vocabulary and grammar.  It will also naturally improve writing, listening and speaking skills too.

Story time at SK Kampung Baharu
At our 12th May Teachers Professional Development (TPD) meeting we will be focusing on fun reading activities for the classroom, so please come and join us.

TPD information
Venue:  Jerantut PPD
Date: 12th May
Time: 3-6pm.

The Reading Camp at SK LKTP Jengka 25

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Preparing Pupils for Peer Assisted Learning

Occupation dollies: learning through craft and cooperation

Noriza Bt Ibrahim and I have been working with the Year 5 pupils at SK Pulau Mansok on a paper craft project making large, sturdy cubes from A4 paper (see here junior mentors in the making). 

In the last lesson, we turned the cubes into rotating 'occupation dollies'. Using artwork created by Bera mentor, Meryl Thomas, the pupils chose four occupation characters (doctor, footballer, gardener etc.) and made their occupation dollies.

Occupation dollies (these ones were made by pupils at SJKC Sungai Jan

Original art work
Teachers Nuurul Farhana Bt Baharuddin and Loke Kak Leng at SJKC Sungai Jan have also been making occupation dollies with their Year 3 classes. Loke and Nuurul have been combining their 7.45 classes into one room, and we have been practising the language and techniques of making cubes. The first cubes were made into dice, but the next ones were made into occupation dollies.

Y5 pupils at SK Pulau Mansok working in their construction teams.

Focus on language.

The next step is for the Year 5 class at SK Pulau Mansok to teach the Year 3 class how to make the cubes using the language they have been practising in their construction groups. Representatives from. the Year 3 class at SJKC Sungai Jan will take their dollies into a Year 2 class to help reinforce the vocabulary of occupations in a fun, peer-assisted way.

The children love to slather on the glue!

I love teacher.
Stephen-Peter Jinks (ELC Jerantut)