Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Teacher Professional Development (more than just blah-blah-blah)

Teachers taking ideas, and running with them!

In February's TPD I showed teachers how to make large, sturdy paper cubes as a warm-up activity while we waited for everyone to arrive. This month, the teachers from SJKT Jerantut, Zahidah Bt Mauludin and Rukumani A/P Amir Singh took the cubes to another level.

Zahidah explained how they have been using cubes at SJKT Jerantut as letter dice (one for vowels and one for consonants) for a categories game where players fill in names for items beginning with the rolled letter on their game-sheet. Categories included things like places, furniture, food and animals. Once we understood the rules, Zahidah and Rukumani put us into teams and we played the game ourselves. If it is fun for us, it is probably fun for the pupils as well!

It is very encouraging for mentors when teachers take ideas we have shared at professional development workshops and make them their own, The teachers in the Jerantut cluster have lots of good ideas, and we have been very lucky in our professional development workshops that so many of our participating teachers have been able to present their own favourite classroom tips and activities during our monthly TPD workshops.

Thanks, everyone, for not being shy and sharing your ideas!

The things you can do with paper cubes!

Stephen-Peter Jinks (ELC Jerantut)

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